International Wine Challenge 2024 2024-05-22
IWC 2024 RESULTS ARE IN! In its 40th year, the International Wine Challenge (IWC) is accepted as the world’s most rigorous, impartial and influential annual wine competition. The rigorous IWC judging process assesses every wine ‘blind’ and judges each for its faithfulness to style, region and vintage. Each IWC medal-winning wine will be tasted on at least three separate occasions by a minimum of 2 panels of judges tasting together, and then tasted by 2 Co-Chairs to verify the panel results. The IWC judging teams include experts and influencers from the international wine industry, commercial decision makers, buyers and MWs working in unison to find the highest quality wines each year from the 52 wine-producing countries represented in the competition. The results of the IWC 2024 are now live. BRONZE MEDAL 
Herdade de Catapereiro White Regional Tejo 2023
Andreza Altitude Red D.O.C. Douro 2020 Andreza Códega do Larinho D.O.C. Douro 2023 Senhora Companhia Vinho Novo Red IGP Tejo 2023 Tyto alba Red D.O.C. Do Tejo 2021 Tyto alba White D.O.C. Do Tejo 2023