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I understood
Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  

The vineyard of Pegos Claros Estate Farm is approximately 40 hectares and is integrated into a total area of approximately 540 hectares, which consists primarily of forest, including cork oaks and stone pines, and is part of an operation programme in Sustainable Forest Management under certification process by the FSC ® system.

Producing quality wines since 1920, Pegos Claros Estate Farm was responsible in the 90s for the production of wines which became national and international references of the best wines produced as DOC Palmela.

Taking as reference the standard of quality wines produced in the 90s, with manual harvesting, fermentation with traditional foot treading in open “lagar”, oak ageing and exclusively from old vines of the variety "Castelão","Pegos Claros Rose", "Pegos Claros Blanc de Noir", "Pegos Claros Reserva" and "Pegos Claros Grande Escolha," are created at Pegos Claros Estate Farm under the responsibility of winemaker Bernardo Cabral. 
Pegos Claros vineyards are more than 90 years old and are exclusively of the “Castelão” variety, having no irrigated area. These factors, together with the modus operandi in terms of viticulture and winemaking, determine lower yields production and high quality in end product.

The year 2010 was the first of the last decade in which wines were vinified in Pegos Claros Cellar. The final product seems to justify the challenge and confirm the commitment to raising the standard of quality wines.







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