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I understood
Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  


The history of the Companhia das Lezírias began in June 1836, under the reign of Dona Maria II, but it wasn’t until 1881 that with the planting of the first vineyard began the winemaking activity.

Since then the vision, effort and work of many have contributed to making it a reference for the region and the country.

In 2018, in honor of Cincinato da Costa, we planted a vineyard using the same varieties he then chose to install a vineyard under his responsibility at Companhia das Lezirias.

Bernardino Cincinato da Costa, an unavoidable personality in the history of vineyards and wine in Portugal, was a director of the company between 1905 and 1930, during which time he studied and published the guide for portuguese grape varieties.

The 130 hectares of vineyards of Companhia das Lezírias are located in the heart of the protected area of the Tagus estuary and totally surrounded by forest where a natural ecological balance prevails.

We follow a non-interventional viticulture leaving the role of keeping the vineyards protected to nature itself.

With around 30% of old vines, the vineyards have the portuguese grape varieties occupying its largest area (Fernão Pires, Branco Alicante, Vital among other whites and Castelão, Moreto, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca or the nationalized Branco Bouschet  among other inks).

The vineyard is located on the southern border of the Tagus region, a mere 2 km from the river where it expands into a “lake” with about 20 km wide.

The sandy soils with some rolled stone (and traces of fossils of maritime origin) and the 45 meters altitude ensure the drainage of rainwater. They are soils of low productive capacity. The Atlantic and also Mediterranean influence result in a climate with large daily thermal ranges where the days are hot and dry and the nights cool and humid.





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