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I understood
Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  

Frederico Falcão Frederico Falcão

A winemaker of the new era of wines in Portugal. 1995 he graduated in Agricultural Engineering and 2005 he did a post-graduation in Oenology.


He directs since 2001 the Department for Viticulture and Olive Oil from Companhia das Lezírias S.A. and works at the same time since 2003 for the Foundation Abreu Callado, Benavila as Consultant Oenologist.


From July 1999 until December 2000 he was Quality Manager at the international well known Herdade do Esporão where he had already done a good work since 1995 in the Investigation and Development area.


1998 he did a placement for six weeks at the Taylors Wines in Clare Valley, Australia.


He’s also published a work about “Wines and the Oak”.

Companhia das Lezírias

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