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Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  

Adega de Cantanhede Adega de Cantanhede


Adega Cooperativa de Cantanhede, founded in 1954, is one of the most well-knowns wine producer of Portugal, being located in the demarcated wine-growing region of Bairrada, in the city of Cantanhede.

With about 1200 associated wine-growers and harvesting about 6-8 million kilos of grapes per year, this winery is the biggest producer in its region (representing more than 30 % of the total production) and certifies about 80% of its production with appellation BAIRRADA DOC and Geographical Indication BEIRA ATLÂNTICO. For the last seven years, it has been the market leader concerning sales of wines and sparkling wines with those designations.

The portfolio includes a wide range of table and premium wines (red, white, rosé, sparkling, spirits and liquors), which, due to its diversity, is able to meet the different market segments, with different demanding grades in quality. Its demanding, serious and flexible position in the market has determined its national and international development, which results in the presence of its products in approximately 20 different countries.

The quality recognition grade of its wines has been confirmed several times through the awards attributed thanks to the permanent participation in national and international competitions, that result as hundreds of prizes attributed. In the past 4 years (2010 to 2013) several DOC Bairrada wines and sparklings were awarded, among other awards and distinctions, with more than 80 medals in the most prestigious national and international competitions, with special emphasis on the IWSC London, Mundus Vini - Germany Monde Selection - Belgium, Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, Selections Mondiales des Vins - Canada, Effervescents du Monde - France and Berliner Wein Trophy – Berlin. Not infrequently it has been the only winery from Bairrada with recognised wines in those contests.

In February 2012 the winery won the prize “Wine Cooperative of the Year 2011” awarded by Revista de Vinhos, the oldest and most important wine magazine in Portugal.

In 2014 it has also been awarded as "Sparkling Wine Producer 2013" by the most recognized wine writer in Portugal - Aníbal Coutinho.

Osvaldo Amado

Azul Portugal Bairrada

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