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Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  

Vieira de Sousa Vieira de Sousa


The Vieira De Sousa family has been producing Port wine for at least for 5 generations, our Great Grandfather José Silvério Vieira De Sousa created the brand “Vieira de Sousa” and started the Port Wine bottling business. The Family at this time was a great property owner, producing all its Port wines from their own vineyars.

Years later, due to the devastating disease in the Vineyards (phylloxera) and the financial stress that resulted from years of no production, his son, José Ermelindo, came across the difficult decision of selling the brand. After this he was able to replant all the family vineyards and start all over again the business of producing, aging and selling aged Port wine in bulk to other companies.

In 2008, with the new generation taking over the bussiness, Luísa with the help of her father António decided to invest again in the bottling and not only producing Port Wine. New warehouse and equipment were aquired and the family was back in bottling business of Port and later on Douro Wines too.

All our wines are produced with grapes from the 4 Quintas of the family, which are almost 60 hectares in Douro Valley: Quinta da Água Alta, Quinta do Fojo Velho, Quinta Fonte and Quinta do Roncão Pequeno. These ones are located along the Douro river allowing us to produce different wines and maintain quality every year.

In one of our Quintas we have a unique chapel located in the small village of Celeirós, facing the street together with our family house. 

It was built in honour of St Francis Of Assisi’s in 1710, as it can be seen in the front door. Every year in Saint Francis’s day the chapel is open to the public and it is celebrated a ceremony, which usually coincides with the last days of our harvest.

The chapel has baroque architecture that stands out from the rest of the monuments in the area because of it the great state of conservation and the artfully crafted facade. It is a great example of the eighteenth-century religious architecture.

Luisa Borges

Água Alta Porto 10 Years Old (Sold Out) Água Alta Porto 20 Years Old
Água Alta Porto Reserva Água Alta Porto Vintage
Azul Portugal Porto Tawny 10 Years Old

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