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I understood
Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  
D.O.C. - Dão

Geographic area

The Dão region is located right at the heart of Portugal. The region is divided into three sections: the Beira Litoral (the coastal section, home to the Bairrada wine region), the Beira Alta (the upper mountainous region - wich is where Dão wine comes from) and the Beira Baixa (the lower region).

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Dão is surrounded by mountains and the vineyards are at altitudes ranging from 200 to 900 m.

This part of the country is home to some of Portugal’s most distinctive and distinguished red wines and rapidily improving whites. As result the region is protected to a degree from the strong Atlantic influence from the west and partly sheltered from the harsh continental climate from the east.

Dão is often referred to as "Portugal's Burgundy" due to similar wine styles.

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