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Francisco BaptistaJaime Quendera  

 - Aragonez (Tinta Roriz) - Red

This grape is also known as Tempranillo in Spain and is the only key 'Port' variety that is widely planted outside of Portugal.

Tinta Roriz produces large crops that can vary widely in quality depending on the vintage and the vineyard site. Its wines can range from light in body to full bodied with heavy tannins.

It is not a grape that makes very good wine on its own but it can be useful when used as a 'spice grape' in a blend.

Adega de Pegões Aragonez Album Reserva
Album Tinto Azul Portugal Alentejo
Azul Portugal Alentejo Reserva Azul Portugal Do Tejo Tinto
Dona Helena Rose Monte da Baía Reserva

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